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Hearing Aid Services -

Hearing Aid Services

An estimated 38 million people in the United States have some degree of hearing loss. Hearing loss can have a negative effect on communication, relationships, school or work performance, and emotional well-being. However, hearing loss doesn't have to restrict your daily activities.

Properly fitted hearing aids and aural rehabilitation can help in many listening situations. Aural rehabilitation is the use of techniques to identify and diagnose hearing loss and implement therapies for patients who are hard of hearing, which often involves the use of hearing aids. Most people who are hearing-impaired will need two hearing aids because both ears are often affected by hearing loss, though some people may only need one hearing aid.

Some hearing aids require fitting by a licensed hearing healthcare professional (such as an audiologist or a hearing aid dispenser), so that the amplification matches your hearing loss. If not fitted properly, too much amplification may cause additional hearing loss.

American Hearing + Audiology
2040 Hutton Dr., Suite 108
Kansas City, KS 66109

Freedom Hearing
131000 Kansas Ave., Suite J
Bonner Springs, KS 66012

Hearing & Speech Clinic at KU Medical Center
2001 Olathe Blvd., Bldg. 4001 Miller Building
Kansas City, KS 66160

Miracle-Ear Hearing Aid Center
9501 State Ave, Suite 3
Kansas City, KS 66109

Professional Hearing Center
2300 Hutton Rd., Suite 106
Kansas City, KS 66109

The University of Kansas Hospital - Otolaryngology
4000 Cambridge St.
Kansas City, KS 66160

The University of Kansas Medical Pavilion - Otolaryngology & Facial Plastic Surgery
2000 Olathe Blvd., Level 3D
Kansas City, KS 66160

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Any information provided on this website should not be considered medical advice or substitute for a consultation with a physician.
If you have a medical problem, contact your local physician or emergency treatment center for diagnosis and treatment.