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Bariatric Physicians - Kansas City North

Bariatric Physicians

Bariatric specialists focus on the surgical management of obesity. Individuals who do not see results from traditional weight-loss methods may be eligible for bariatric surgery, following a consultation and referral from a healthcare provider.

This type of surgery aims to alter the anatomy and function of the digestive system to reduce the amount of food the body can take in. Bariatric surgeons have access to various techniques and approaches, including minimally invasive procedures.

Certain medical conditions may affect your eligibility for bariatric surgery, so it is crucial to provide a comprehensive health history when discussing options with your doctor or surgeon. The potential outcomes of bariatric surgery can vary, so it is important to communicate your expectations with your physician prior to moving forward.

Nicole M. Fearing, MD
Bariatric and Metabolic Specialists
5841 NW 72nd St .
Kansas City MO 64151

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